A Heartwarming Return: From Holiday Helpers to Monthly Angels

In the spirit of the season of giving, Emily and Mark, a compassionate couple from our community, found their way back to volunteering with a heartwarming story that has become an inspiration for many. Former volunteers with the Senior Services program, Emily and Mark had to take a hiatus due to the demands of their jobs. However, this past Christmas, their desire to give back resurfaced, leading them to a beautiful journey of selfless service. 

During the Christmas season, Emily and Mark decided to spend their time delivering Holiday food baskets to homebound seniors. The experience was not only fulfilling but reignited a passion for community service that had been lying dormant. The joy they found in spreading holiday cheer was so immense that Mark, Emily’s husband, had an idea that would extend their impact beyond the festive season. 

Mark urged Emily to contact Council of Churches of the Ozarks, expressing their desire to contribute on a more regular basis. Recognizing the invaluable commitment and enthusiasm of the couple, CCO & the Senior Services program welcomed them with open arms. Emily and Mark decided to embark on a journey of monthly deliveries for the Senior Services program, an initiative aimed at making nutritious food more accessible to low-income individuals aged 60 and above. 

The Senior Services program at Council of Churches of the Ozarks plays a crucial role in supplementing the diets of seniors in need. By delivering nutritious foods directly to their doors, the program ensures that vulnerable members of the community receive the sustenance they require to lead healthier lives. Emily and Mark’s decision to join this cause on a monthly basis is not just an act of kindness but a beacon of hope for the seniors they serve. 

Emily and Mark are not just volunteers; they are monthly angels, dedicated to ensuring that no senior goes hungry or feels forgotten. Their commitment has sparked renewed interest in volunteering at Council of Churches of the Ozarks, showcasing the profound effect that one couple’s kindness can have on an entire community. 

As we celebrate the love and compassion that the holiday season brings, let Emily and Mark’s story serve as a reminder that the spirit of giving knows no season. Joining Council of Churches of the Ozarks in our Senior Services program is not just an opportunity to volunteer; it’s a chance to become part of a community that cares deeply about the well-being of its elderly members. Together, we can make a difference, one nutritious meal at a time.Â