How does the cloth diaper loan program work?
The Diaper Bank of the Ozarks will provide a cloth diaper kit to qualified families via partnership with Jake’s Diapers. Please fill out the application below. You will then get an email invite to a Zoom Virtual Cloth Diaper Class. The DBO will provide you with basic information and answer specific questions about the Cloth Diaper Loan Program. Once you confirm you want a Cloth Diaper Kit, Jake’s Diapers will mail directly to your home, free of charge. Now all you need to do is, to follow a wash routine, and return the cloth diaper kit once you are done with the loan.
Will cloth diapers save me money?
Start using cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers and you will save over $1,000 a year, while your baby is wearing diapers. Use cloth diapers from birth to potty training will save you over $2,500!
Where can I get more information on cloth diapers?
Check out our Facebook Page, email us at [email protected], or call/text 417-501-4411.