Find Holiday Support

Crosslines offers several holiday assistance programs to residents in Greene County. Residents apply for assistance, applications are reviewed and clients are matched with a program that best meets their needs. Continue reading below for a full list of holiday programs, eligibility requirements, and instructions on how to apply.

*To keep everyone safe and to adhere to social distancing guidelines the eligibility and application process is slightly different than in previous years.

Holiday Assistance Programs

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Crosslines provides families a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving Food Basket Distribution:
November 23, 2024.

Families with children can apply in person.

Christmas Food Baskets

Crosslines provides a turkey and toys to families with children.

Christmas Food Basket Distribution:
December 21, 2024

Christmas Toy Store

The Toystore provides brand-new toys for children. Parents can shop at the Toystore and pick out five items for their child: a large toy, a medium toy, a small toy, a book, and a knit item. 

Christmas Toy Store:
December 21, 2024

Christmas Sponsor-A-Family

Families matched in the sponsorship program will receive food for a members of the household and toys for children who live in the home.

Check back later for dates and times.

Share Your Christmas Sponsorship

Share Your Christmas allows families to share their stories in the Springfield News-Leader. Names never appear in the story, and family situations are written in general terms to protect privacy. Families selected for Share Your Christmas fill out a form to request items they need, and receive assistance from community members reading the articles. 

Check back later for dates and times.


To qualify for holiday assistance programs through Crosslines, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be residents of Greene County
  • Must provide Social Security Cards for all members of household (including children)
  • Must provide a piece of mail less than 30 days old
  • Household income must fall at or below USDA Poverty Scale for family size

In addition, applicants must meet ONE of the following requirements:

  • A school-aged or younger child (birth to 18 years) must be living in the household

Income Eligibility Guidelines

185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines – Effective April 1, 2023
For households larger than 8 people, add $728 for each additional member.

If you do not meet these qualifications, Victory Mission assists adult-only households.